Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Planet Earth


Oh, wow!

(Stunned silence).

These have been typical of the responses that have poured forth from me and other members of my family as we've sat in pop-eyed wander watching the BBC/Discovery Channel mini-series Planet Earth. I don't mean to sound bathetic (correct spelling), but I don't think it's trite to state that this is one of the most superb uses of the visual medium that I have ever seen.

Apart from the occasional evolutionary terminology (it's always a fact, don'tcha know), I don't know that I have ever seen anything on television that so declared the glory of God. Easily 99% of the places and things seen and recorded by these photographers I will never see. You'll swallow hard wondering how they got some of the shots they got.

What a phenomenal, breath-seizing opportunity to see things on this planet that must have given God great delight and joy to craft. I can imagine him sitting in the wings while the first folks ever to see some of these sights rounded the corner to stumble upon them. It had to be a better sensation than a parent watching their child tear into an unexpected and unbelievable birthday gift.

It's not a cheap mini-series. Perhaps you could ask for it as a gift for your family (thanks, Mom!). Maybe you can borrow it from a friend or check it out from the library. Or you might catch it on the Discovery Channel. In any case, for the one's who know the One who knit the tapestry together, it will serve to make you marvel all the more at the extraordinary God who created our home.
"Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad to see that you have watched some or all of the "Planet Earth" and thoroughly enjoyed it. I watched the whole series in awe.

Love, Mom