Tuesday, January 20, 2009


In my recent "Just another day" rant, I mentioned Sanctity of Human Life Day and that someone had remembered it (you can link the post here. You'll find it near the bottom). The person that remembered it? George Bush.

My bride just went to the link and found that it no longer went to President Bush's SHLD proclamation. Tragic. I feel like I've been slugged in the gut. Anyway, here's a newslink to what the former President had done.

Tomorrow the most egregious court decision ever turns 37 years old. God forgive us.


Shannon said...

Wow...it's amazing how quickly things change, even websites.

Also, good run-down of the inaugural events in your last post! The biggest shocker to me was the treatment/booing of President Bush. What a shameful display.

Anonymous said...

I hate to nit-pick, but won't Roe v. Wade be 36 years old on Thursday? (January 22,1973-2009)