Friday, January 9, 2009

Citizen Kane

I love classic movies. Action. Drama. Comedy. Love stories. You name it. When looking to rent a movie, I'll go to top 100 lists to see which of the best of the best I have yet to see.

Most lists have Orson Welles' Citizen Kane as the #1 movie of all time. When asked the greatest movie of all time, directors, producers, actors, key grips and caterers will answer in locked goose-step unison, "Citizen Kane!"

Well, that many folks couldn't be wrong, could they? So about three years ago I rented Citizen Kane. At no charge, here's my review of CK:


It could be I'm a knuckle-dragger and that I don't have an erudite understanding of film nuance. But then there's Rosebud. Stupidia maxima.

I came across another film list recently. At the top of the list? CK.

Could one of you please explain to me the greatness of Citizen Kane? It's kind of like a joke or a puzzle. I want to understand. I want to get it. This one has me as baffled as much as a Jackson Pollock masterpiece.

I may have to go to my grave stumped by Orson Welles.

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