Thursday, January 8, 2009

Law and rational disconnect

I can't think of an issue where people assert crazier notions than the abortion issue. Marvin Olasky, editor of World Magazine, made me think of that today as I read his article Abortion Heresy.

Near the end of his article, he exposed the daffiness of state laws that deal with the murder of an unborn child vis-a-vis the laws governing abortion.
"Right now killing an unborn child with the consent of the mother is legal in all 50 states—but in at least 35 states it is murder if a father or anyone else kills that child without the mother's consent. In other words, our law is based on the idea that unborn children do not objectively have value unless they are recognized as children by their mothers. Do we really believe that?"
Rationality and reality no longer govern our laws, at least when it touches the life of an unborn child.

How tragic that with so grave an issue we would let such contradictory laws abide side by side.

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