Tuesday, May 27, 2008

When we say "we support our troops," we must support it all.

You see, this little fracas in the Middle East has been going on long enough for the youngest folks who took the oath of military service to fully understand into what they were getting themselves. In other words, they supported the cause of our government or they would not have raised their hands. To say they didn't understand or that they didn't comprehend insults their dignity as Americans. To say they had not alternative diminishes their dignity as humans.

If we don't support a war, we cannot support the troops for they are complicit. They follow to the death the orders of their commander in chief (read: President of the United States). You can't support soldiers but oppose the war or support the troops and oppose the commander. That's just goofy. Forgive the Nazi references but hyperbole often best illustrates a point; that would be like supporting the soldiers who fired the ovens at Bergen-Belsen.

So why the dissonance? It prevents those who don't support a particular conflict from sounding unpatriotic on days such as these. This is particularly the case for politicians, pacifists, and university professors. Were they to come out and boldly state their position in the current situation, you wouldn't see a blue-state president through 2050.

And so on the day after Memorial Day, I proudly support our troops, I support the fight against the Islamic purists that would seek to destroy Western civilization, and I support the commander who leads them...as I will support whoever that commander is beginning in January 2009 should they continue our defense against those who seek our demise.

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