Friday, May 9, 2008

Six-day creation, Part 1

I'm a reader. I like to read reasoned articles about the world around me which is why I frequent

In a recent article, a columnist I have enjoyed quite a bit, a columnist who is a Christian, took a big swing at fellow Christians who hold to a six-day creation and subsequently, a young earth by current evolutionary standards. Of note, it was an article decrying atheism.

The columnist stated (italics mine):

It is difficult to believe that Sam Harris has never heard of the distinction between “old world” and “new world” creationism. Archbishop Usher’s assertion that the world was created around 4000 B.C. is an antiquated idea from the 19th Century. Unlike the Darwinists, creationists have been willing to modify their ideas over the last century-and-a-half when the evidence calls for modification. I now believe the universe is around 14 billion years old...

Put simply, Harris’ assertion that all Christians believe the earth is six thousand years old (and are therefore stupid) is both patently false and patently offensive. It is on par with saying that all blacks believe whites invented the AIDS virus to kill blacks.

Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Harvard-Smithsonian CfA

While I consider myself reasonably read and well acquainted with God's word, and while I have made my living in a profession that calls upon a more than superficial knowledge of a broad array of sciences, I was mildly offended at being referred to as stupid. You see, I believe wholly in a six-day creation and I believe that Archbishop Usher probably wasn't too far askew. the days to come, I'll set global warming aside and take a look at why so many educated people (yours truly) still hold to a six-day creation. I'd like to specifically look at whether we need to modify our ideas.

I just hope I don't fall off the edge of the earth.

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