Sunday, May 25, 2008

Just another day? Twister version

China's experiencing aftershocks touching 6.4 on Herr Richter's scale. Aftershocks!

Eight more dead in our country from twisters today. The video shot of yesterday's tornadoes provided such graphic detail of the phenomenal power behind such storms. On live television we witnessed a huge farm warehouse turn to debris easier a child would sweep away Lincoln Logs.

Am I alarmist? Here's a graphic from NOAA showing the tornado count over the last four years:
We're 250 tornadoes ahead of the highest previous three seasons...with no signs of abating.

? I do know that God controls the winds and the rain. God has seen fit to unleash meteorological and geological calamities in the last few years of magnitudes that I've not seen. Things seem to be packing far more tightly than in times past. Is it a portent of Christ's return? Possibly. At the very least, it should cause serious examination about whether we, our families, and our nation are right with God.

We can mock the Hagee's, Falwell's, and Robertson's until the cows come home, but God does use "natural" disaster to get the attention of His people. But will we listen? And if we hear, will we understand?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"The world is changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air."

Kudos if you can name the source.