Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Who's your buddy? Who's your friend?

You can tell a lot about a person by their friends, with whom they associate, who they seek out for mentoring relationships. You can also tell a lot about a person by the people groups that admire them.

A couple of recent polls put our election into an interesting light. Our troops got to pitch in their two cents. Who would they pick? John McCain. Three-to-one! (You can tap the poll info here.)

Cross the oceans or cross the Rio Grande, pass through the gates in International Falls, Minnesota, and you will find a different picture. The world loves Barack Obama! Canadians opt for The One over McCain 67%-22%. Mexicans? Of those who knew who was running, the three-to-one for the Illinois senator. France? 64% to 4%! Yep, that's 16-to-1. Check out Gallup's results for yourself here.

The only nations sort of leaning McCain? Laos, the Phillipines, and (this one cracked me up) Georgia.

So who are you voting with? France or the Marines? Denmark or the Seals? Belgium or B-52 Airmen?

We are at a cross-roads. The world would like to see us become more like them, and Barack Obama would surely oblige. The US military, the defenders of freedom at home and abroad, ache for America to remain true to what has made her and continues to make her distinct. That road follows John McCain and Sarah Palin (by the way, anyone heard from Biden lately?).

What do Europeans think about Senator Obama? Read this interview of French author and philosopher Bernard-Henri Levy. It'll curdle your milk. This is one path we can travel. Notice how he differentiates the left and the right, and take note near the end of his three reasons Euros love Obama and why McCain makes them shudder.

From a conservative vantage, Michael Medved lays out the dangers of traveling the road to the left in a meaty blog entry here.

Let me leave you with an impassioned plea from ACORN, but with my conservative emphasis:
Vote early! Vote often!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Boy that was a superb blog from Michael Medved. I hope millions have read it. Now on the other hand the blog from Mr. Levy paints a nasty picture and I hope nobody has read it.. I pray for all American's to think hard before they put pen and ink to their ballot.
