Tuesday, October 14, 2008

E'08: Further distinctions...as if you needed any

Obama - favors abortion rights
McCain - favors life

Obama - favors homosexual marriage
McCain - stands for traditional marriage

Obama - government is the messiah
McCain - government isn't quite the messiah (okay, so that one's not the best)

In case you were still unclear about where the candidates stood on profound moral issues, here's another humdinger. In keeping with Bill Clinton's reinvention of the US military, Senator Obama would like to see women eligible for the draft, too (read it here).

Pick up your stones and take aim at my head. Many will consider me a caveman for the following, but for a nation to allow its women to face combat points to the demise of its society. We could get into male-female differences regarding strength. We could get into the innate instinct in man to protect a woman above other men. We could discuss the biblical roles of men and women and the fact that one of those two was designed to bear and have children.

The fact that government has buckled to a liberalized culture and allowed women to choose whether or not they want to serve is one thing. For the government to make our women sign up for military service should a draft become necessary is another thing altogether. That's my daughters. And your mothers. I'll serve at age 85 before I'll have the women in my family in some database for potential military service.

McCain? Opposed to this nonsense. Go figure.

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