Friday, October 17, 2008

Hanging chads...on steroids

Remember Bush-Gore in 2000? Remember the hue and cry over voting irregularities in Florida? Which party felt they had been wronged in that election? The hatred and bitterness over that one state in that one election still launches folks to the boiling point in seconds.

Leap forward eight years. Here we stand on the verge of another national election. The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) has begun to beat the bushes to get folks to register to vote. That sounds well and good until Mickey Mouse starts showing up among registered voters in Florida or that felons names start popping up or that hundreds and thousands of problems regarding identification and residence have cropped up in Ohio.

Ohio is uniquely troubling because a) folks have already begun voting, and b) the democratic attorney general has appealed to the Supreme Court (US version vice Ohio version) because she doesn't want to have to check out all of the suspect voter registrations. More problems: Justice John Paul Stevens, arguably the most liberal judge on the SCOTUS alongside R.B. Ginsberg, has jurisdiction over Ohio. If he agrees, than the suspect registrations will not be addressed.

This is going on in Florida (swing state), Pennsylvania, (swing state), Ohio (swing state). I don't think you have to go to Denmark to find something rotten. You can go to Google News web-site and type in ACORN and notice the news articles and the locations where registration "oddities" are cropping up (okay, just click here).

Conservatives are going nuts! At this time, something can be done. The election is just under three weeks off. They are not after-the-fact griping. You would think that both sides would want to ensure that the fiasco of 2000 is not revisited. That does not seem to be the case. The cry from the left? Any noise from the left? Hello?

I had heard of ballot -box stuffing growing up. You catch it from time to time on TV dramas...old ones. I thought it went out with Capone. Little did I suspect that it would be resurrected with another Chicagoan on the threshold of the Presidency.

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