Monday, October 27, 2008

A surprise from the Times

The NY Times liked Fireproof.

This paper has spoken little good toward things sincerely Christian in the last three to four decades. Fireproof seems to have shocked the liberal paper. Unlike the review posted a few weeks back, the Times cited the quality of the production and the performances to include the characterizations of real Christians. A few excerpted quotes:

“’Fireproof’” may not be the most profound movie ever made, but it does have its commendable elements, including that rarest of creatures on the big (or small) screen: characters with a strong, conservative Christian faith who don’t sound crazy.”

“…. the cast of mostly amateurs (Mr. Cameron of “Growing Pains” being the exception) is surprisingly good. And the moments of comic relief are mildly amusing.

“Only at the end do the filmmakers get heavy-handed, and they seem not to know when to wrap up, letting the movie run on for several smarmy scenes beyond its natural endpoint. Until then, though, this is a decent attempt to combine faith and storytelling that will certainly register with its target audience. And maybe with other folks as well: among those caring-for-marriage tips are some that anyone could use to improve any type of relationship, with or without the God part.”

You can check out the rest of their review here.

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