Thursday, October 16, 2008

The great divide

Red and blue are primary colors. No part of red exists in blue, neither blue in red. While purple combines blue and red, the primaries themselves are mixtures of no others.

Our nation is red and blue.

Sure, red and blue work together. Yes, they live next door to one another. But the chasm between red and blue grows wider and wider. And the differences are not reconcilable. Here are a few of the issues that divide:
  • Abortion
  • Marriage
  • Religion's place in society and government
  • Constitutional interpretation
  • Taxation and its purpose
  • War
Here's the deal. It's not that we have different ideas about how to get to the same place. Red and blue have completely different destinations. Red and blue envision a different ideal America. It is no wonder that the how of getting there is so vastly different, too.

Two articles at spotlight the growing division. Dennis Prager's article (here) had to be an agonizing write. He points to the political and cultural differences that cannot coexist.
...(C)alls for a unity among Americans that transcends left and right are either naive or disingenuous. America will be united only when one of them prevails over the other. The left knows this. Most on the right do not.
The other article comes from the pen of Cal Thomas. In "The End of 'We the People,'" he describes the rupture in our fabric as it manifests itself in the judiciary and states' attempts to establish marriage between a man and a woman. You can read it here.

How will this play out? How is it one will prevail over the other?

"...God shed his grace on thee..."

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