Monday, October 6, 2008

E'08: Oxymoron

A full-fledged oxymoron should make your eyes refocus; the two subjects have no association or they are such opposites as to cramp your brain.

Imagine General George Patton heading up a pacifist's club. Consider Hugh Hefner as spokesman for the Catholic church. Maybe Dick Cheney as a card-carrying member of the ACLU. Madonna as an advocate for True Love Waits?

All of those are just plain silly.

This one is not. Like any good campaign, you dig for votes wherever you can find them. The Obama campaign is looking for them in pro-life corners. Pro-life! I can't help but laugh as I write it but it's true; check it out here.

Really, it's not funny. Obama is the greatest friend of Planned Parenthood, NARAL, and all aspects of abortion rights.

Asserting that the man is pro-life goes beyond irony. It's blatant deceit.

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