Monday, April 21, 2008

Wish I'd have said it

A columnist, especially a conservative columnist, receives mountains of cyber-hate-mail for their positions on various issues. Recently, Mike S. Adams received the following note:
You call yourself a Christian? Jesus Christ would never push people’s buttons the way you do.
You have to understand, Dr. Adams plainly calls sin, sin, and gets in the face of those who try to twist good and evil. Anyway, the note was signed courageously:
Dr. Adams returned volley:
Dear Anonymous:

You are right. Jesus never would have pushed people’s buttons. Had he pushed people’s buttons, they might have crucified him.

Mike S. Adams
Game, set, and match.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ROFL! (Rolling on the floor, laughing) Yet one more reason why I love that guy. People who say Christ never pushed folks buttons seem to miss certain stories. A whip and a temple come to mind. White washed sepulchers anyone?