Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I just saw "Expelled." Superb movie. But this is not intended to be a review (though if you ask me, I'd be happy to encourage you to see it).

What disturbed me was, like the reviews from an earlier post, the disdain shown toward real scholars who challenge evolution...and the poor schmuck didn't even have to be a Christian. The moment he would challenge any evolutionary concept, he's branded as a religious goof and dismissed from the world of academia.

As this rattled around my cage, I was struck by how much this is happening all around us. For example, my son and I were hammered for 15 minutes before the movie with an infomercial about environmentalism and global warming. It wasn't about being a good steward of the earth we were given. It was about the evils of man and what we need to do to heal the damaged earth. Yikes.

Has anybody noted any media outlet unwilling to bow to those espousing this "environmental holocaust" man has unleashed on the planet? The scientists who speak out against it are dismissed in the public forum. Their shut up and moved aside. You need tune in through the first cycle of commercials to learn that the meteorologists on the WeatherChannel who disagreed with the cause celeb have been efficiently and effectively silenced.

Much during the film discussed the coexistence of science and God. I'll not say religion because that could be anything. I'll not say faith because most folks wrongly divorce faith from reason. I'll say God because He is not merely an idea or a notion. He is. Whether we choose to believe that does not alter that He is.

So until I sit down at this keyboard again, I'll leave you to ponder science and God: Should they coexist? For those who have been sitting through the Francis Schaeffer, "How Should We Then Live?" video series, you have a distinct advantage.

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