Sunday, April 20, 2008

Fundamentalist Irony

I hadn't intended on any more blogs on Fundamentalism (at least in the near future), but my pastor's sermon this morning forced my hand.

Pastor Lukus (spelled correctly) mentioned an article attacking Christian fundamentalist thought. Here's the headline:

Granted this is from a state university's daily paper, and the author is an "an adjunct professor of Peace Studies at MU, a member of Veterans for Peace and a member of the national steering committee of Global Action to Prevent War." So it's not exactly the New York Times. Okay, maybe it is. Perhaps some slight toward their objectivity may have played better.

Still, Mr. Wickersham, the author, superbly illustrates the caricature that the world has toward those who hold to fundamentalist Christian doctrine. If you're at all interested, you can read his article here. Some fundamentalist nutball has commented on the article, too.

What made it all the more ironic was that my pastor's sermon was on the very thing that make Wickersham's secularist brain reel, that Jesus Christ will come again to the earth but this time in judgment

Odd that Mr. Wickersham would rage against fundamentalism when the church's creeds have testified to the bodily return of Jesus Christ for judgment from two thousand years.

Anybody seen my snakes?

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