Sunday, April 27, 2008

The majority of one

You have likely heard that happy platitude that says, "Anyone plus God equals a majority." Truth be told, God alone constitutes a majority.

Apart from the spiritual aspect, is it possible for one man to stand against the majority and be right? In Sunday school today, we discussed the Revolutionary Age in man's history, the 1600's through the 1800's, in light of Francis Schaeffer's "How Shall We Then Live," and in our class, we noted that such an event is NOT possible in a democracy. Democracy is majority rule, and as such, law changes with the whim of the people.

Justice Lifts the Nations by Paul Robert

Our nation, a constitutional republic, was founded the rule of law (Lex Rex) and not the rule of man. As such, a lone man can stand upon the law and state the the majority is wrong, and the majority must bow, not to the man, but to the law. Under a democracy, the lone man would be squashed by the majority.

But whose law? Ah, therein lies the rub. In our increasingly secular society, law has become as arbitrary as the congressional majority. Despite the paintings in the Senate and in the House, the whim of our Representatives has superseded the rule of law. The vote this week becomes the law tomorrow.

While we began as a constitutional republic, the United States has whithered into a representative democracy which in essence is nothing more than polite chaos. The masses no longer recognize the consensus or standard of God's word. Law in Americas has become arbitrary.

Regardless, God's majority status has not changed, no matter what the masses think. As such, the Christian and the Church must stand upon the word of God and speak against lawlessness and unrighteousness in the mirror, in the home, in our neighborhood, and in our country.

No matter the outcome.

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