Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Fundamentalists Today

Here are some fundamentalists in the news:
  1. Latter-Day Saints
  2. Muslims
  3. Christians
What do they all have in common? They passionately believe the writings of their much so that they strive to behave like their founder did to the maximum extent possible.

Looking at group three briefly, I contend that based upon the writings of the Bible, those groups who picket funerals using vile language are not emulating Jesus in any manner whatsoever. Those who aver, "God hates _______!" (pick your people group), have no clue about the Christ of the Bible. To have the courage to speak against the sin of the land as well as the sin that resides in their own heart and the grace to be found in Jesus' atoning sacrifice is more characteristic of a Christian fundamentalist.

Do those who are being labeled Mormon fundamentalists practice what Joseph Smith preached? Sure seems that way if history is any indicator.

Do those who fight furiously against the secularization and hedonism of Western Civilization mirror the conduct of Muhammed. Ditto.

It's upon the foundation of one of those groups that our nation and Western Civilization was built. Can you guess which one?

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