Saturday, April 26, 2008

Abortion: The European Front

I must admit that I tend to look down my nose toward our European siblings in issues political, cultural, and spiritual. In so many ways, they have loosed themselves from their moral moorings leaving them adrift in a sea of relativity.

Then I think back to William Wilberforce who fought earlier and harder than most Americans and thereby won the freedom of the slaves in Britain decades before it occurred on our shores. Perhaps we freedom conscious Americans drop the ball in areas we'd just as soon ignore.

Once again, Europe speaks regarding the worst violation of civil rights humanity has ever experienced (superlatives intended): Abortion. Chuck Colson notes that Italy's prime minister was recently elected because of his pro-life stance. Despite the pre-election hype recognizing the significant role abortion was going to play, Silvio Berlusconi's reelection left the media silent on that very issue.

What a great encouragement to see victory come to those who stand in the face of the secularist onslaught! Apparently similar things are happening in Spain. Much of this is due to the influence of the Roman Catholic Church and Pope Benedict's strong stand on behalf of life.

At the same time Colson was penning his article the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe was meeting. They, too, had some things to say about abortion. Here are a few excerpts:
  • The committee has concerns that restrictive abortion legislation, causes many women to travel abroad to access safe abortion services - the phenomena called “abortion tourism”.
  • Decriminalising abortion will ultimately preserve life...
  • Amendment E-Paragraph 7.2: Guarantee women’s effective exercise of their right to health, including their right to a safe abortion.
  • Amendment G-Paragraph 7.7: Introduce compulsory age-appropriate, gender-sensitive sex and relationships education for young people, to avoid unwanted pregnancies and therefore abortions.
(Here is the full resolution: Access to Safe and Legal Abortion in Europe)

And so the battle in Europe continues.

Pray for our siblings across the ocean as well as our own nation that we might see and repent of the sin we have committed. Pray that the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness would extend to the most vulnerable members of society, the unborn.

Pray for repentance and healing for the women who have traveled this route. There is a God who loves them and aches to salve their wounds.

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