Thursday, April 10, 2008

E'08: Thinking

As the election approaches, I hear more and more about responses from folks about the issues that come forth from their bellies, their loins or their wallets, but not so much from their brains.

Most issues spark tons of emotions from folks. It's like the psych exam where the doc says, "I'll say a word or phrase and you say the first thing that pops into your mind." Here are a few:
  1. Healthcare
  2. Education
  3. Race
  4. Religion
  5. War
  6. Social Security

I have no doubt if you are one spending your time reading this post that you have also read about the various issues enumerated above (and others). Few of us have considered the matter beyond the NBC soundbite. A columnist recently wrote, "What is more scary than any particular candidate or policy is the gullibility of the public and their willingness to be satisfied with talking points, rather than serious arguments."

Let us be discerning!

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