Wednesday, April 15, 2009

You are a "Radical Extremist"

Over the last thirty years the greatest evil wrought upon America and Americans fall into two general categories, the school shooting and the terrorist mass-homicide.

Isn't a school shooting a terrorist mass-homicide? Well, yes, but the perpetrators of these heinous acts against God and humanity are distinctly different. School shootings have generally come at the hand of kids from broken, messed up homes, while terrorist mass-homicides crash upon us from those who hate us, our government, or our way of life. Essentially, they hate America. In the last three decades, apart from Tim McVeigh, everyone in the latter category has one thing in common. Islam.

So if you were the head of Homeland Security, where would you focus your attention to thwart acts of terror on our soil? Would you home in on a little hamlet west of New York City founded upon the tenets of the Koran and that doesn't permit outsiders or would you delve into the seditious activities of the Veterans of Foreign Wars? Would you focus on Islamic charter schools and mosques where those who have fomented terrorism have trained and been trained, places that refuse to raise the American flag, or would you delve into the shady character of that radical James Dobson and his chillingly named organization "Focus on the Family?" If you're Janet Napolitano, the actual Secretary of Homeland Security, you choose the latter in both cases.

If you haven't heard, you can catch her statement released to police departments across the country warning them of the grave threat posed by radicalized right-wing groups here. It's worth our time...and it's creepy.

What would cause such folk to be targeted by Ms. Napolitano's henchmen? You might be "hate-oriented." Well, you may be thinking, I'm not hate oriented. That may be so, but it has been a common slander from the left that those who hold to a plain reading of the Bible by calling sin "sin" propogate hate speech. To call homosexual conduct "sin" is already criminal in Canada and is becoming so in our nation, if not de jure then certainly de facto.

You might believe that our Constitution holds that states have greater responsibility to govern than does the federal government, that the Fed gets its power from and came into being by the states and not the other way around. Such thinking would make you "radical."

You may have served in combat, and since Oliver Stone has given us the truth about war, you are now seen as a threat to your country. Just look at Timmy McV.

This is getting surreal. North Korea launches a vehicle that could hold a nuclear payload, and the President calls for the free world to denuke itself. We get throttled by Islamic fundamentalists for decades and Homeland Security casts the hairy-eyeball at folks that look an awful lot like our Founding Fathers.

A warning to you. Be careful what sites you visit on the web. You may be ID'ed as one of "them" because you read the posts of a God-fearing, Bible-believing, gun-toting, one wife, six kids, conservative, small-government kind of guy.

As an aside, here's a great article by Walter Williams on why our Founders shunned democracy in favor of a republic. Be smart about who we are. It may not be long before we aren't.

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