Tuesday, April 7, 2009

QotD: Fantasy Island

"We will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over so many centuries to shape the world for the better, including my own country."
Barack Obama, President of the United States

Okay, Mr. President, can you name one thing Islam has done for the betterment of the United States in say, oh, the last 500 years?

The fruits of Islam within the US and Europe today show it to be the most divisive force to national and cultural identity the civilized west has ever seen. Yes, peaceful Muslims to abide within our borders, but they are not the tidal wave within Islam today. They are not standing against the advocates of Sharia law. They are not shutting up the cabbies who won't take fares that tote whiskey. They don't stifle those offended by the blind bringing their seeing-eye dog into Walmart.

Until Muslims unite vocally and forcefully against those who seek to impose Islamic law upon the west, Islam will continue to divide and fragment western civilization.

Please name just one thing, Mr. President.

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