Thursday, April 9, 2009


I am not an organized man. A few years back, I got a day planner and despite hit-or-miss usage, have come to affectionately know the object as "my brain." My whole family knows it by that moniker.

Tonight, my bride and I enjoyed a date. We usually imbibe a good cup of coffee to round out the evening and did so tonight as well.

As we sipped, chatted, and people-watched, I shared with my bride that I often remember at work things I need to do at home and at home things I need to accomplish at work. I simply don't remember when I get to the various destinations what it was that I was wanting to get done.

With all seriousness, my love suggested, "You have a brain. Why don't you use it?" And then she realized what she'd said.

Glad she wasn't drinking milk!

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