Friday, April 3, 2009

Just another day: Choir preaching

I suppose that most whose eyes grace this blog differ little in opinion with me. That's the cost of writing. Those who don't like what you write will go someplace else. Sadly, it is those who disagree with what I write that I would most like to bandy ideas with.

  • "WE ARE THE WORLD." Have you noticed that secular hymn playing in the background of the G20 this week? Never before have nations been so ready to abdicate their national identity into the global community.

  • When I was a kid, I put food coloring in my vanilla ice cream. Nothing light bright blue ice cream! From Minnesota, I could not resist; in went the red to make Viking Purple. How about a little green? Ew. Maybe yellow will help. Not so much. Nothing so hideous as blending all the food coloring into one dish of ice cream.

    So it is with the G20. Every nation wants to blend itself into every other nation. It's like all the crayons in the box jumping into the melt down put to make a super crayon. We need purple crayons. We need orange crayons. And yes, we need gray crayons, too. We don't need one big, gnarly-colored gray crayon. Let France be France. Let Kim Jong Il keep his North Korea and drive it into ruin. These peculiar
    little lands and color to the map. Let's not become them.

  • The Constitution. A good read from Bill Murchison of the Dallas Morning News here. A linked a couple of other articles on Facebook, but for those who don't troll that domain, check out Walter Williams' piece on how to handle Constitutional abuse here and Larry Elder's piece on media bias here. I try to not inundate you with reads, but there are some smart guys who can blow away the fog to expose the true nature of a thing. These guys do that.
  • Kim Jong ILL. Speaking of the North Korean Dr. No, you know he's fueling up his new "satellite" rocket, right? You know it's got enough juice to reach Alaska or Hawaii, right? You know the Japanese have said no way in Hokkaido will they let the corn flake to their west launch a "satellite" rocket over their land, right? You know we have boats, Navy boats, nearby that have been threatened to be blown from the water by Mr. Kim, right? Sounds like Bobby Fischer and Boris Spassky, right?

  • Headlines. Okay, I'm a Drudge troll. A couple of headlines on his site this morning for your amusement.

  • "Saved the world today" with a picture of what looks like Dick Vitale with his arms around Obama, Medvedev, and Hu Jintao amidst what looks like a G20 frat party after watching the Final Four.
    Across the page from that headline is this gem. "Capitalism needs to go down" with a picture of the Abbot and Costello of international mayhem Mahmoud "Dare me to launch" Ahmadinejad and Hugo "Presidente for life" Chavez.

    Sandwiched between those beauts is a shot of Obama and Medvedev. "Medvedev hails 'my new comrade.'" That's just what we wanted to hear come out of G20.

    There's a shot of Nancy Pelosi in there, too, that always gets me wondering why we don't see her face more on the cover of Good Housekeeping, Women's Day, or even Elle?
'Nuff for now. You were good to hang with me this long. Best to not abuse it.

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