Wednesday, February 25, 2009

We'll take him!

Geert Wilders couldn't get into Britain. Banished, he was. Indicted in his own country, too. Hmmm...hundreds of years ago, the outcasts of Europe sought a place they could go and be welcomed to live their life. Hmmm...

The irony that Geert Wilders has come to the United States.

He spent the last few days making the talk show rounds. O'Reilly and Beck last night. Hannity tonight. All Fox. MSNBC? It's all Mardi Gras. Anyway, where Mr. Wilders could not show his film Fitna at Parliament, he will be showing it to our Congress. I wonder if Keith Ellison will walk?

Maybe we have a pulse, yet.

If we do, it's waning. Thomas Sowell wrote the most impassioned piece I've read from his pen. Pretty feisty for seventy-nine. Sadly, he's got bigger cajones than most of our pablum sucking politicians.
...There are moral corrosions within ourselves that weaken our ability to face the challenges ahead.
Give him a read (here) and pray that God blows the wind in our favor.

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