Tuesday, February 10, 2009

25 Crimes I wish I'd committed

Do I have your attention? Really, there aren't 25 crimes I wish I'd committed; probably only a half-dozen. That aside, "25 Questions..." have become all the rage on Facebook and blogs across the cybersphere.

Frankly, I enjoy reading them. The only ones I've read are those from folks I know, and it's neat getting to know information about friends and family you didn't know before.

That said, you'll not find a 25-list here, and here's why. Identity theft. Some considerations. Anything I post on this blog remains will last as long as the pyramids. It's out there for anyone to see. Even if I restrict the access to my blog, when I post, I launch the trons into cyberspace and trust the Blogger site manager to keep my stuff secure. And who's to say a distant friend from Facebook won't copy and paste your information to someone looking to collect such information?

Paranoid? Maybe. I've thought about this as I've read some recent 25-lists. A lot of those questions are very, very similar to the security questions asked of banks, financial, and credit institutions to verify your identity should your PIN get lost.

I'll continue reading the answers to your questions. It provides me great insight into who you are and provides me great questions to ask folks I'd like to get to know better.

But if you have the remotest desire to know my 25 (or 27) answers, give me a holler. They won't find their way onto my blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That makes sense, was insightful and true. Thanks Mark