Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Just another day: What goes up...

  • Iran's launch. No, not a new web-site. And not Ahmadinejad out a window. They put a satellite in orbit (here). Neato, huh? Until the satellite is made with weapons grade uranium, plutonium, etc., and rather than staying in orbit, it comes down...we know not where. But they do. Neato, huh?

  • North Korean irony. Coincidence that ill Kim Jong and his rabble announced a pending long-range missile test (here)? Now who would North Korea have issues with that they would need long-range missiles? Hmmm...
  • Independence Day irony. The movie. It's on tonight. Tuned in briefly and caught this repartee between the President played by Bill Pullman and an alien in the process of choking the daylights out of a former scientist played by Brent Spiner.
    President: There can be peace between us, if we can find a way to coexist. Can there be peace between us?

    Alien choking Spiner: No peace.

    President: What do you want from us?

    ACS: Die.
    Ah, sounds like the regimes of the previous two bullets, doesn't it. President Obama's going to have to have some supernatural savvy to appease those folks who want no appeasement; they only want our demise.

    In the movie, the ACS tries to off the President with his alien mind trick, but the cool USAF dude with his pistol blows him to pieces. After he's recovered, the President sobers up to the silliness of his former negotiations. Remember what he said?
    President: Nuke'em. Nuke the $#@%&*@$!
    Sometimes Hollywood gets it right.
  • Chimeras: Hey, guess what! Scientists have discovered that animal-human clones don't work (here)! Reading between the lines, they're going to keep at it, though. God have mercy...or something.
  • Technological Singularity: Huh? Yeah, I didn't get it either, even after reading the article (here). Seems that Google and NASA have cyber-birthed a new university to bring the moon into the seventh house and to align Jupiter with Mars. A bit about the university from the article:
    "Proponents say that during the singularity, machines will be able to improve themselves using artificial intelligence and that smarter-than-human computers will solve problems including energy scarcity, climate change and hunger."
    Unless Al Gore and the Davos Summit team beat them to it.

    One final quote caught my attention. Consider it the comedic part of this post:
    “The day before something is truly a breakthrough, it’s a crazy idea.”
    That from the vice-chancellor to the university. He failed to note that when the breakthrough doesn't occur, the crazy idea remains a crazy idea.
That's enough for now. We are one day closer. Sleep tight.

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