Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Stimulus: The physics of our demise, Part III

In the first part of this series, I noted the absurdity of the stimulus (here). In a nutshell, how is that taking ridiculous amounts of my money and your money (where else will the stimulus money come from?) and giving it to incompetent business owners who have already ruined their banks or their auto assembly lines will stimulate the economy? Do the gods in DC know better how to invest my money than do I? NOT-SO-MUCH!

Part two of the series (here) held the government accountable for thievery, legal plunder Fredric Bastiat called it in "The Law." Such conduct runs contrary to God's clear word. Such conduct also removes the responsibility from individuals to care for their fellow man because the government has taken that en masse upon themselves. This, too, is unbiblical.

Couple these two nasties together and you get the imminent demise of our nation.

We're approaching a trillion dollars in government handouts within the last six months. How big is that number? If you were given one hundred dollars every second of your life from your birth until you were seventy-five years old, you'd still be $800 billion shy of a trillion.

I heard a financial adviser speaking this afternoon, and he said that it's better to stimulate the economy now to dimish the long-term pain in getting the crippled companies back on their feet. Here's the problem. He has no clue (nor do Obama, Bush, Pelosi, Reid, etc.) that this "stimulus" will stimulate anything! Again, these CEOs and Boards of Directors have proven nothing but their incompetence and ineptitude; will more money suddenly make them sage and frugal with their money? HAH! Will the economy be stimulated or will the money disappear like the Lost Ark at the end of the only respectable Indiana Jones movie?

Failure brings about a spectacular biblical response. It is called "repentance." I screwed up. MY BAD! Not yours, not his, not government's, not Japan's. Mine. I must make amends. If I am criminal, I must repay. This is good. With regard to our sin, it causes us to realize we can't repay and need a Savior. But in our conduct with one another, we must make amends.

Caveat emptor is another great biblical principle. Be wise with your money! While "a fool and his money are soon parted" is not to be found in the Proverbs, the principle is there in spades. Perhaps I will study where to put my money with a bit more scrutiny next time.

With no one willing to man up, our government continues to grow like a malignancy. The genie is so out of the bottle only a cataclysm will get him back in. Think about this, government agencies wll be getting millions and billions with which to stimulate the economy. That will require government jobs for fiscal apportionment and oversight (wink-wink). Do you really think that any congressman or senator whose constituents will receive that money this year will want to see it cut next year? Do you?

Nobody knows what happened to the money President Bush doled out before he left office. Oh, sure, we know where it went, but what do we have to show for it? Anyone? Jobs? Stock market a-soaring? Any return on our dollar?

And of this money that will be coming out of our wallets for this next syringe full of narcotic, who's getting it and why? Who picks that? The thousand page stimulus bill hit the floor at 11 p.m. and was voted on the next afternoon. No one can scrutinize it that fast. I bet you didn't; I sure didn't. I was asleep. You have a warm fuzzy about that? You shouldn't (not my sleep habits but how the vote went down). Again, will the powerful seek to appease their constituents to shore up their re-election or will they truly seek the nation's good? The only way that will happen is by exposing the "legal plunder" for what it is.

The more the government grows, the more laws we get, the more regulated we are, and the less responsible and free we become. That's where we stand now with folks rejoicing over a hideous beast, birthed from the loins of the legislative and executive branches of our government. Our Founders built a small and limited federal government. We've turned our backs on their wisdom, and with fingers crossed, we hope the beast will redeem us.

But we have created a monster, and it's shaken loose its chains. The future looks dire.

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