Thursday, February 5, 2009

Resting on the bottom

As a kid, I loved "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea." It oozed cool. In 50% of the episodes, the Seaview, a -- get this -- private nuclear sub, came to rest on the bottom of the ocean. Somewhere around the fifty-minute mark, the ships heroes would concoct some solution to save the crew in the nick of time (or the 56th minute).

As pedictable as the sunrise, and yet it led to some great role-playing games, the kind kids used to play in the wide open, unfenced back yards of yesteryear, on swingsets and in trees.

As the ship sank, some part of its hull touched bottom first. As it settled, more of the hull touched. Finally, the ship was plainly resting on the ocean floor. Some might argue that the top of the boat wasn't touching the sandy bottom. True. Neither for that matter was the crew compartment in contact with the ocean floor. True, too. Only a ding-bat playing silly philosophical games would argue that the Seaview had not sunk to the bottom of the sea.

I don't know how much of our nation is touching the bottom, but stuff like this makes plain that, argue though we might, some portion of our nation is there. (WARNING: the article, Associated Press, is horrifying.) And so we are there.

A woman, 21 weeks along, sought to have an abortion. The doctor gave her medicine to begin uterine contraction, but he was delayed. The woman birthed the baby. The baby was subsequently destroyed by the attending. That's as plain as I can state the abomination.

President Obama tipped his hand by renewing the funding of overseas abortions, and considering he's been the most pro-abort Senator these past four years, don't anticipate him to right our crippled vessel, despite having the audacity to declare at today's National Prayer Breakfast:
"There is no God who condones taking the life of an innocent human being. This much we know."
It is for policies such as these that we ought to pray that our President fail. Should he follow what is right and good and true, yes, may God bless him and us and bring us success. But when he and we follow after expediency and convenience and endorse what God calls evil, we must pray that such not succeed. Even to the doom of our vessel.

Considering the state of our ship, it would not surprise me if leviathan were to happen by and crush us to pieces while we shoot craps in the abyss.

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