Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The looming race eruption

I have no doubt some folks will not vote for Barack Obama because of his heritage. It would be nice if we could shuffle such folks off to some isolated island north of the Arctic Circle, but such is life (those voters, not the Senator).

What you will not hear from any media source is that there are likely folks on both sides of the fence so bigoted that they will not vote for Obama. We don't have to look to far in the past to find bedsheets in political closets both blue and red.

Why, then, has there been the accusations and threats from the left that if Obama loses the election, it will be because of race?

I can give you more reasons than I have time to blog why the furthest left member of the US Senate would be a dire selection for our nation, and the amount of melanin in his skin is NOT one of them.

Jack Cafferty, a "progressive" pundit for CNN, muses here that the only reason the polls are so close is because Obama is darker than I am (and that's only because I didn't get near the sun that I've gotten in past summers). That's a wee bit insulting. Does he think that all of us on the right stepped out of "Deliverence" complete with our set of three teeth and an iPod full of "Dueling Banjoes" renditions? Could it be that we are actually thrilled beyond belief that John McCain made a solid "right" turn in selecting the conservative governor from Alaska? Nah! Even Whoopi Goldberg cast her racist stones at John McCain that his running mate is a strict Constitutionalist regarding Supreme Court nominees by feigning concern that she might be destined for slavery. Hollywood (sigh).

Also on the left side of left is Kansas governor, Kathleen Sibelius.
“Have any of you noticed that Barack Obama is part African-American?” Sebelius asked in response to a question about why the election is so close. “That may be a factor. All the code language, all that doesn’t show up in the polls. And that may be a factor for some people (in the evening of the polls).”
Um, Kathleen, it may be a factor on both sides! And it may be because the Democrats picked the most socialist member of the Senate to run for President!

What concerns me most about this assertion being made from left to right is what happens if McCain is elected president? Note this comment from Fatimah Ali in the Philadelphia Daily News (article linked here):
"If McCain wins, look for a full-fledged race and class war, fueled by a deflated and depressed country, soaring crime, homelessness - and hopelessness!"
Wow. When folks start tossing language around like that, the Molotov cocktails aren't far behind. The left, the party that professes to be color-blind, has begun to inject the race card at such regular intervals that it seems they've become addicted. And when the drug gets cut off in favor of personal responsibility, then comes the backlash.

A couple of solid articles came to light today on race ("Barack Obama and White Privilege" here and "The High Cost of Racial Hype" here). It's sad that few on the blue side of the fence will ever read them.

Pray for the peace within our nation if John McCain is elected. I fear we may rip ourselves to pieces.

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