Friday, September 26, 2008

Acuna v. Turkish

I've got another post for "dudes" ruminating, but of late, the defense of innocent life has come oft to the fore. Since I give no credence to coincidence, when things come in bunches with the same information from different sources, I think somebody ("S"omebody) is trying to get my attention.

Consider this opening line from Sheila Liaugminas' National Review Column, "Court Contradictions":
For the first time in the 35 years, the Supreme Court has been asked to decide whether this statement is biological fact, or mere ideology: “Abortion terminates the life of a human being.”
In light of yesterday's QotD (Quote of the day), I'm listening.

Liaugminas (pronunciation, anyone?) details a case the SCOTUS (Supreme Court of the US) will consider hearing. The official title is Acuna vs. Turkish. She tells of Rose Acuna's desire to terminate her pregnancy but not wanting to do so if what was inside was a person. The doctor's horrifying response, "Don't be stupid; it's only some blood."

A few weeks later she returned to the hospital for massive hemorrhaging. Enroute to the OR, she asked the nurse what was wrong to which the nurse responded, "They left part of your baby in you."

God have mercy. Woe unto us. Woe.

Mrs. Acuna felt she had been lied to and wanted just compensation. All of the courts have told her, you get none. And so the SCOTUS will decide if it will hear the case.

So what? The previous court decisions have ruled that, because of Roe v. Wade, the child was not a person. This challenge flies in the face of that tragic decision and could possibly overturn the most grisly judicial decision in civilized history.

Liaugminas highlights the changes that have been brought to light through the wonders of technology:
Mrs. Acuna had put into the record scientific proof from internationally renowned biologists, embryologists, and geneticists that the embryo is an independent, living human being from the instant of fertilization. Turkish’s lawyers presented no evidence that contradicted this.
"Let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart" (Galatians 6:9). Continue to pray that our holocaust will come to an end and America will become a nation, rare in the world, that holds life as sacred.

If you are being called to act, rise up and be counted! Be silent no longer.

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