Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Just another day: Ike

I wish I had an original thought. Since I don't, I'll continue to pass on to y'all the good stuff that I come across as I surf the web.

"Just another day" doesn't usually look at the good stuff, though. We tend to pass through the pages of the calendar and forget that each one is God ordered and God ordained. His good purpose is coming to pass--in and through the alphabet of hurricanes that have beset us, in and through our elections. Through "Just another day," I hope to make you aware of events that have caught my attention.

So here we go...
  • Tremors. Okay, this one was more than that. Iran got smacked with a 6.1 magnitude earthquake yesterday. Not to be outdone, Indonesia shook to their own 6.6. In keeping up with the Joneses, the Japenese tipped the scales at 6.9, matching the island Vanuatu's 6.9 three days ago. 6.9! That's more than a kick from the carbuerator.

  • Tremors II. This time from a landslide. It killed 128 in China.

  • Ike. Fay, Gustav, Hanna. All have caused issues for our country. None, I say with great thanksgiving to God, have brought major devastation. Ike's looming in the Gulf and looking nasty. Meteorologists are predicting a category four by landfall. I looked it up. Those are winds between 131 and 155 miles per hour. Most aircraft begin to lift off at that speed.
Hurricanes, landslides, earthquakes???

Into the geo-political cesspool...
  • Viscera. Politics. It's all about mud-slinging, right? Dance through the news sites. Have any of you ever heard anyone spoken against with the ugly rhetoric that Sarah Palin is receiving? If she is inept, unqualified, or criminal, let's hear it. And please, back up your case. But the slander that woman is receiving is beyond the pale (slander -noun, a malicious, false, and defamatory statement or report). I'll provide no examples. You can scan Drudge today or any day in the next few weeks. Matt Damon is the most recent to make his point clear. And the Democratic chair from South Carolina. You have to at least give her credit for the grace and aplomb with which she's handled the assaults.

  • Europe & Obama. Seems that if Europe has a say, the Illinois senator will be our next president. 80% of France favors Obama (here). A BBC poll indicates that all 22 countries they polled would go blue (here). If you're toes aren't tickled yet, Russians like Senator Obama, too (here). And the Islamic world (here...more on this one tomorrow). You can tell a lot about a person by their friends.

  • Kim Jong...ill? Experts (who are they anyway) think that the North Korean president had a stroke some time ago and has been incapacitated. Some believe he is dead. And now North Korea is back to playing Hide-and-Nuke. The only thing worse than Kim Jong Il and his instability is no successor in this nuclear gambit. Waiting to hear North Korea's endorsement for blue.

  • Polypolypolygamy. This from the BBC. A Nigerian court ruled that an Islamic religious leader would have to get rid of some of his wives. Eighty-two of them! They wanted him to pare it down a bit. At least he gets to keep four. I don't know how they'll keep up with the 170 kids. Think of the alimony! Yikes.
On that note, I'm out.


Okay, not quite. A tip of the hat to my dad. He'd have been 74 today. Now I'm gone.

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