Saturday, September 20, 2008

Islam's rise

Islam continues its burgeoning growth throughout Europe. It's not the message. It's immigration.

"Native" Europeans are not procreating at a rate to sustain their population, but to sustain their socialist programs they need bodies to tax? How to make that happen? Open the doors to immigrants. From whence cometh those tax payers? The Muslim Middle East. As the immigrants enter the land, they continue their baby-producing ways (no problem sustaining and growing their populations).

So what? Many predict an Islamic Europe by the turn of the next century. Others bump that closer to 2050. Mark Steyn, in America Alone, goes so far as to refer to the continent as "Eurabia."

So what, again? All's well and good if we can all get along. That's the point of Marvin Olasky's recent column (here). The problem comes when rather than accommodating themselves to the culture into which they move (when in Rome...), the Muslims have begun to alter the culture to accommodate them, a case made plain in Steyn's book and in Diana West's recent article (here).

We have become brainwashed by T-ball. Someone, somewhere thought it would be nice for each child to bat (likely the parent of a terrible ball player). Someone, somewhere thought it would be nice for the score not to be kept (likely the parent or coach of the team perennially trounced).

But life is not that way. Cream rises...always. Worldviews, the way folks believe and live out their lives, are distinct and are NOT equal. The Islamic worldview and the Christian worldview are, if I may, worlds apart. A cursory study of the foundational documents, the Koran and the Bible, and of the fruits that have been borne out of the societies that truly practiced that which is found within yields the difference between Saudi Arabia and America, England and Iran, and despite the chaos that is France, France and Syria (though as France has moved further and further away from the Bible, they in their godlessness, begin to look more and more like Syria).

Our Founders knew Islam and they knew Sharia law. They chose the principles of Christianity upon which to build a free nation, a nation of responsible citizens, where religion could be practiced freely without pressure from the state, whether Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, or pagan.

As the pressures of Islam begin to push from within and from without, America must stand for the principle of unchanging natural law and the Constitution upon which we were founded. Or by 2100 AD we might just become Amerabia.

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