Thursday, January 10, 2008


My mom lives in Madison, Wisconsin. Earlier this week, they had three days of fog and an exponentially higher factor of accidents on the nearby interstate due to it. Sadly, two died. More recently, four died due to massive accidents caused by fog in Florida.

Have you heard about the January tornadoes in Wisconsin and throughout the United States?
Today I caught wind of a volcano down in Ecuador that scientists say is on the verge of an enormous eruption (the Tungurahua volcano - AP photo).

Is it my imagination or are the out-of-the-ordinary natural disasters on the upswing? Or do you think the quantity has always been this high but because of a more world-wide media they are brought more to our attention? It seems to me things are ramping up. But why? I think the Luke 13:1-5 bears heavily upon the things we are seeing:
There were present at that season some who told Him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. And Jesus answered and said to them, “Do you suppose that these Galileans were worse sinners than all other Galileans, because they suffered such things? I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish. Or those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them, do you think that they were worse sinners than all other men who dwelt in Jerusalem? I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish.
Are we getting a wake-up call? Is a merciful God extending His hand to those who do not know Him?

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