Monday, January 14, 2008

Pravda on China...this ought to be good!

Who better to comment on China's one-child policy and subsequent demographic shift than the society known for curtailing personal freedoms from the Tsars through the communists? Russia's newspaper, Pravda, has taken a look at what has become of China since the implementation of its "don't be fruitful, and don't multiply" mandate (link). It's a translated piece so it's a bit difficult to wade through but worth the effort.

And what did Pravda find? Surprise! China has indeed limited its population growth. In fact, Pravda lauds the Chinese for what they have accomplished. Some odd points of praise:

  • "The nation's official number of prevented births equals 400 million." Is that a good thing or a bad thing? That's a number large than the current U.S. population.
  • "The country evaded (sic) starvation, epidemics, and other social disasters...probably thanks to this program." Can you find the key word in that sentence? I colored it special just in case.
  • The "seamy side" of China's policy, according to Pravda, is "unplanned children." Note that it's not what is done with the unplanned children. That would be my vote for "seamy." The travisty in the eyes of Pravda is the children. Yikes.
  • They briefly touch on an evil wrought by this twisted policy: sexual slavery. But after a brief touch-and-go, they turn to something they see as more heinous: sexual selection. Excuse me? Okay, it's a bit off color to sell an unwanted child into sexual slavery but it's far more egregious to pick the sex of your child??? That would be like Time Magazine wrestling between Joe Stalin and Adolph Hitler for Man of the Year honors.

The article did not even address the social Frankenstein China has created by its reproductive tinkering. Even bastions of liberal spin like CBS News and MSNBC recognize the problem pointing to the fact that China has 40 million more men of reproductive age than they do women. The latter have been aborted, abandoned, and enslaved in horrifying numbers.

The population tilt also promises to bring higher crime rates to a nation already struggling with its crime problem. None of this is noted by Pravda.

In case you couldn't think about what to pray, here's a monumental chocolate mess that only an all-powerful and loving God could turn into something beautiful.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Flip side:

Praise Him that our God is sovereign even in the middle of a "chocolate mess".

Could God have chosen a different set of circumstances for those two precious girls? A different method of getting them into a home in Texas? Yes, but he chose this time and this way. He continues to bring beauty from the ashes.