Saturday, January 12, 2008


So how many of you have I lost already? Honestly, I can't believe that I'm discussing the waif, but she happens to be the topic of a CNN poll that got my goat. Regarding her personally, pray for her. 'Nuff said.
As to the CNN poll, the question asked, "Should Britney Spears be forced to get help?" Coercion. Force? What has she done? She's shamed her parents. She's squandered her talent. She's abused her beauty. She's been a self-absorbed, dead-beat parent. Those for starters. Forced to get help??

Force within America's history has been used to restrain the lawless from denting and defacing the law-abiding and their property. Force has not been used to turn the scuzz-ball into a citizen. Therein lies freedom both biblical and American. You can't force personal responsibility or it ceases to be personal responsibility. If an individual will not abide the law, they will find themselves on its punitive side.

Is the derelict derelict? You bet. Has she broken the law? If she has, then she must be punished. Does she need help? In spades!! But if she does not want help, forcing her into it will be as effective as rehab has been for her tabloid counterpart, Lindsey Lohan.

Lex rex. Let the law do its job and our police force do its job. If Brit opts to crash and burn despite the pleas of family and friends, the tragedy will be hers alone. Force? Not so much.

The worst part about the poll was the response. 59% of respondants (50,193 CNN junkies) felt she should be forced to get help. Yikes! We'll be hoisting the hammer and sickle in our lifetime.

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