Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A 35-Year Blight

50 million babies have died legally in our country since Roe was enacted by judicial fiat in 1973, 35 years ago today.

Cal Thomas summed up this horror in his TownHall article earlier this week. Follow the link to read it.

Then might I encourage us all to take some time to repent to the Author of life for our national sin?


Jennifer said...

Praise the Lord that in 1995 Norma McCorvey became a Christian!

Kacey Bode said...

Hey, another sad factoid. 90% of couples who are told prenatally that their child has Down syndrome abort the baby. How sad. I cannot imagine my world without Ella Grace. Doctors are partially to blame, they give couples no hope and focus only on the "what ifs" of the future. Sad sad.

Keith Pond said...


Thanks for including a first hand account. She is a de-light!