Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Just another day: Moral atrophy

Unused muscles shrink. Duh.

Last August, I finally stopped running with the hope that a nagging hammy strain would heal itself. No such luck. Now, nine months later, I'm on the threshold of a fitness test that will likely strain another muscle, this one about two feet higher and it pumps blood at regular intervals. I'm way out of shape!

At some point in the past, our country must have thought that it yanked it's moral hammy. Maybe we just thought that the ethical restraint was getting in the way of our license (or licentiousness), but if you don't exercise a bit of moral discipline, after a few decades of disuse you get a country in a state of obese, sofa-bound immobility, unable to make a moral judgment about the most obvious of issues. A couple of examples:
  • Saw (take your pick). Haven't seen any of them. Nor will I. Reviews tell me enough. That this has become a huge profit-maker in Hollywood says loads about adult America, parental and not.

  • Miss America. That it would be controversial to assert that marriage is between a man and a woman is nuts. That an overt homosexual would be asked to judge a beauty contest is nuttier still. That Ms. Prejean, the controversial contestant, would announce Christ as her foundation as her conviction that marriage is between a man and a woman after posing topless for whomever's camera completes the trifecta.

  • Sweden. Going beyond our borders simply because so many in our nation think we should be emulating Europe. Swedish judges have ruled that it's hunky-dory to abort a child simply because you wanted a boy and conceived a girl (and vice-versa...here).

  • Gay marriage. During the proverbial drip-drip of the homosexual marriage push, many argued that this would open Pandora's foul box to normalizing all deviance. "No way!" cried the homosexual crowd. Last night on Bill O'Reilly's eponymous "Factor," he brought to light a group in California arguing for "marriage rights" for triads (in case your wondering, that's a three-some, sex unspecified). The argument from one of the talking heads who felt that homosexual marriage was okay but a triad went to far was the ultimate in inane and incoherent drivel. We erased the boundary. All bets are off.

  • Notre Dame. The most pro-abortion President our nation has seen to date has been asked to speak at a religious university whose fundamental position is opposition to abortion. Can you say "rational disconnect?" Then again, the President looses the restrictions upon abortion by granting terrorists freedoms that are fundamental to our citizens. Reality has become a Picasso.
As we continue to stuff our face with moral twinkies, our national heart attack cannot be far away. And it's bound to be a doozy.

1 comment:

David and Kristi Flinck said...

Excellent post Keith!

Spot on.