Sunday, May 17, 2009

"Common ground"

The headline on CNN and Fox from President Obama's controversial address at Notre Dame emphasized his assertion that America needs to find "common ground" on this most divisive issue.

I agree. Let's start with the fact that the union of a sperm and an egg creates a human being. I think that would be superb common ground. It's not a dog. It's not a hippo (an hippo?). It's not a persimmon nor a perch. It's a person. That common ground would give it all the protection an innocent person should have under law. You know, all that life, liberty and pursuit of happiness jazz.

Others would prefer the common ground that we as human beings are free to choose our own destinies. I agree. But the law does not permit your freedom to crimp my freedoms much less end them. So it would seem that my common ground provides a more stable foundation from which to argue the abortion question.


If one concedes that the life within the womb is a human being, side arguments melt away. Yes, I can imagine things more horrible than rape and incest. The dismemberment of a baby comes to mind. What about the life of the mother? Usually that does not manifest itself in the first trimester. Considering the amazing strides of modern medicine, why abort? Why not rescue the baby from the womb? We have all heard the stories of mothers who would not abort their child despite the professional opinions of the doctors, and both mother and child are enjoying their lives with one another to this day. How often have you heard about the "foolish" mom who elected to go to term and both died? You haven't? Me, either.

When one side seeks valiantly to protect innocent life while the other seeks valiantly to maintain "reproductive freedom" while making the product of sexual relationships a non-issue, we will find no common ground.

Thank you to all the Catholics that voiced their grief toward and opposition to Notre Dame's decision to let so pro-abortion a President speak at their commencement.

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