Friday, May 22, 2009

Science v. Religion II

Last week, the headlines across cyberspace announced, "THE MISSING LINK FOUND!" In keeping with my last post, rather than pitch my Bible in the trash, I kicked back waiting for the other shoe to fall. Every year since I can remember, a missing link has been found, and every year since I can remember, a few days, weeks, months after the announcement, a retraction gets printed somewhere in the bowels of the paper or web-site.

This time it only took a week (here and here). The fossil that looked like a half-million year old lemur is just that, a lemur-like critter from some indeterminable time. Did anyone really think it a link between monkey and man? You got me.

Mr. Darwin contended that the fossil record, as more and more fossils were unearthed, would give weight to his theory that animals transitioned between kinds. That has proven a major problem for evolutionists because the fossil record has shown a dearth of fossils pointing to linkage. On the contrary, they point to clear and distinct kinds. Almost like they were created that way (oops!).

Still, America remains duped that Darwinian evolution is great science. It's proven! It's fact! No, it's a theory and will ever remain a theory because it cannot be tested and cannot be proven. That doesn't dissuade evolutionists from asserting the "factual nature" of evolution. In my local paper, a science teacher dismissed Intelligent Design or any assessment of science in light of the biblical creation as unscientific. He avered, "If an idea (like intelligent design) cannot be objectively tested, then it is not science."

That's utter rot. Examine the evidence. Postulate your theory. Continue to examine your evidence and see how the theory holds. That's the science of prehistory. We have no witnesses (other than God) to day one so we have no one we can question. Creating an experiment to cause evolution (interesting verbs, don't you think?) has proved fruitless. If we use untestability to delineate science and non-science, then Darwinian evolution falls short.

Now we have another article on Fox indicating life on earth MAY have begun earlier than previously thought. Ahhh-hah. Note the qualifier. Rather read the article (here) and notice all the qualifiers, the might-haves & could-haves, as they discuss these theories.

No, I don't think I'll be chunking my Bible into the kitchen trash any time soon. The heavens declare the handiwork of God. Yes, they do.

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