Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Inconsistency of the left

When it comes to moral and ethical politics, elected officials who say one thing and do another or take two contradictory positions are legion in Washington. Never before has a political movement tried to live out such contradictions as the political left in America today. There is perhaps no better image of proclaiming and believing two opposing views than Barack Hussein Obama.

Since taking office, the President has dismantled most every barrier erected by former presidents for making abortion rare. This week as he ponders the politics of a nominee to replace Supreme Court Justice David Souter, President Obama has made plain that he will appoint a pro-abortion lawyer.

On the other side of the ethical arena, the President has called for closing Guantanamo Bay and exposing our interrogation techniques to bring such actions to an end. All of this in the name of civil rights, of acting human to our fellow man. Why is this an issue? First, these men are NOT prisoners of war and should not be afforded the rights of such under the Geneva Convention. Second, they are NOT US citizens and should not be afforded the rights of such under the Constitution. They are terrorists and, like the pirates off Somalia's coast, should be shot.

Innocent life gets every protection possible under law removed leaving it naked against a hostile world. Those guilty of atrocities against our nation get protections awarded to them beyond our law leaving them more armed and more equipped to blend into the society they so loathe.

We must extend the protections of humanity toward the innocent toward the defenseless. We must do everything in our power to bring the .45 caliber end of justice upon those who unleash their hatred upon American soil or Americans abroad. But in today's political Wonderland, we're giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

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