Western civilization thrived because of Christ. When man subjected himself under the mighty hand of God, denying and restraining his sinful nature through the power of the Holy Spirit and loving his neighbor by seeking his good and holding accountable his sin, civilization as we know it took root.
Dinesh D'Souza spoke on this very point at a leadership conference in Colorado Springs for Hillsdale College (adapted here). Man tended his plot, helped his neighbor tend his plot, and restrained those without law from harming either one.
Our nation is so very richly blessed because the high watermark for this thinking occurred in the middle of the 18th century during the formulation of our nation. Law, founded upon God's law and natural law (also God's), erected a high and secure dam against the tide of man's depravity.
Throughout the 19th century, the dam held, but the centrality of man in Enlightment thinking began to wear. Man as evolved and man apart from God began to take hold in the universities of Europe and infected the theologies of American seminaries. As man loosed himself from God, he loosed himself from God's laws and the dam began to leak like John McCain's press corps.
The 20th century infused relative law into American jurisprudence. Jurors began to dismiss the original intent of our Founders regarding Law, and incorporated social whim. Right and wrong begin to dissolve amidst the incessant dripping of sociological silliness. No, the devil didn't make me do it, but Burger King might have. Or Folgers. Or Jack Daniels. Or Hugh Hefner. But it is most certainly not my fault.
Despite that, I had hoped that the dam would hold. It was such a work of art. It reflected the truth of the Creator like Hubble's mirrors. But the dam is down.
Overreacting, you say? Consider current events in light of California's Proposition 8. If unfamiliar, with Prop 8 Californians affirmed the obvious, that marriage is between a man and a woman. You'd think this would affirm the dam's integrity. Every state that has voted on marriage has recognized affirmed God-ordained marriage. Notice what has happened since the election.
- Churches violated. Homosexuals have invaded churches that boldly and rightly spoke out in favor of Prop 8, interrupting worship services, tossing crude fliers, shouting crude epithets and behaving crudely. Little was done to the disrupters.
- Mormon's targeted. While I believe Mormonism to be heretical in light of biblical Christianity, their stance against sexual sin exhibits greater courage toward their documents than most Christians show toward theirs. Because of this stance, they have had unleashed upon them the full wrath of the homosexual community with Books of Mormon burned on the doorsteps of their church. What have you heard about the search for those who have threatened the LDS?
- Hollywood. Did you like Nacho Libre? Swell. Jack Black and others have created a musical with Mr. Black portraying Christ that rips the integrity of the Bible mocking fundamental doctrines and mocking the Son of God all to discredit those who supported traditional marriage. Hue? Cry? Nope. Just the sound of silence.
Newsweek (linked here). The cover story: The Religious Case for Gay Marriage. The precis is equally charming:
Opponents of gay marriage often cite Scripture. But what the Bible teaches about love argues for the other side.
If you're a Bible-believing Christian, you understand the absurdity of such an assertion (if you'd like some biblical guidance through the Newsweek article go here). During Christmas and Easter, you can count on Time and Newsweek unleashing some of the most unbiblical treatments of biblical topics in all journalism. Prop 8 simply provided the fodder.
Hollywood, the homosexual community, liberal journalists and now centrist journalists state that those who hold to the Bible, biblical Christians, have no voice in the public arena. God and His word may not be used as a point of argument in the public nor the political realm. That is what is being asserted within all of these events.
Where is the public outcry against such censorship and against such bigotry? Where are the voices of elected officials denouncing such affronts against civility, against civilization, and against God?
The dam is decimated and the torrent crashes down the valley. The enmity and loathing toward those who name Christ will only increase. The silence from those who support Christ but don't want to get swept away will grow more haunting.
Life has been easy in a tranquil and protected valley. No longer. The time to retreat in cowardice is at hand. Run, if you fear. Run!
Or stand upon the rock of Jesus Christ.
- There is no other argument that matters in a world racing toward hell. Christ.
- No argument surpasses Christ when it comes to defending the unborn.
- No argument overrules Christ when it comes to indicting our sin.
Will we be overwhelmed by the flood of American decadence for the glory of God? May He give us the courage to stand for His name. May we stand with grace and dignity toward our enemies.
And may God divert the tide and reestablish the levee in our time.
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