Thursday, December 18, 2008

Just another day: Christmas is coming

  • Poor Al: Do you wonder if Al Gore and the other enviro-elves are running in gross disarray with the snow falling in locales like Malibu and Vegas? I do love the explanation that the incredible cooling we've experienced is due to the rapid acceleration of global warming (here). Yeah, didn't pass the common sense test for me either.
  • Geological hiccups: What's up with the earth quaking in Carolina? Only 3.6, but Carolina?!?
  • Political hiccups: Nice to have the neo-Soviets cruising the Med. They brought their fleet through the Panama Canal, a lovely geo-political nose-thumbing at the only military power in the west (that's us - U-S - in case you were wondering). Not all was jiggy as they anchored off Venezuela, home of the western hemisphere's version of Ahmadinejahd, Hugo Cha-vez. Fistcuffs and snubs abound (here).

    Was a time when the neo-Soviet presence in our western waters was seen as a direct challenge to America. Yawn. Outgoing President sees Putin as a soul-mate. How cozy will Barack Obama get with the burgeoning and increasingly belligerent bear?

  • Money for nothin': So the Fed's going to give money at no interest? Um, I don't get it. But, hey, this is the season of playing with Monopoly money, isn't it? That's what the government's been doing for the last few months.

by Gary Varvel
  • Cobbler, anyone? Back on the loafer-front, the following cartoon says alot about our nation and those we have been fighting. Consider, too, what would have happened if the Keds quarterback had launched the pass across the middle to Saddam Hussein.

by Dana Summers
  • Blago-sphere: Have you ever seen our political landscape more corrupt? All the while the government's tossing cash like candy in a parade.

  • Deep in the moral commode: Police in Nassau, NY approached a car parked behind a local school. The windows were steamed. The police exposed the 44-year old vice president of the PTA with a 13-year old girl. The vice-pres has kids, too. Now, would you feel differently if you knew that the VP was a 44-year old woman and the 13-year old was a boy for that indeed was the case? I hope not. These folks should be locked away. Or worse.

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