Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Too much of a good thing

I love coffee. Not like some love coffee, but I do love coffee.

I can't say that I'm a coffee snob. I drink the swill made at work, and I'm an equal-opportunity swill-consuming aficionado.

At the same time, I love the experience brought on by a great cup of coffee. The rich, carmel candy smell, the deep umber color, and the taste of a good cup might make me swear off the swill if not for the absurd prices charged (really, if you compared it to gasoline, fossil fuel becomes a steal...but then I used to say that about milk, too, and gas has passed that drink in price). And best of all, a great cup of coffee is most often accompanied by great company.

Then I went to work on Thursday.

Something in my stomach, for the first time in over a decade, made coffee seem unpalatable that morning. I didn't even pour myself a cup. Friday either. It some seemed...yuk.

After I got home Friday evening from my motorcycle safety course, I felt gunky. I hoped I wasn't coming down with something considering I had two more days of that course. As the night wore on, I took some Motrin in hopes it was just a headache. Then, as I passed our coffee pot with a few ignored cups still in the bottom, the lightbulb went on in my throbbing melon. My body was coming to terms with the fact that I had robbed it of its caffeine fix two days in a row!!

Because of the course, I had coffee neither Saturday nor Sunday. Saturday I still suffered from my "hangover." Sunday I finally felt normal.

This morning, I had to go into work early. I had a particular task where on a normal day I would take a two-mug thermos. Today I took a styrofoam cup. It was the usual swill, but I enjoyed it.

God has given us all things to enjoy and to savor. They are part of His glorious creation. I have always taught my boys, "Everything in moderation," but their dad had become a coffee glutton. The Bible warns us from cover to cover about excess in any area. I wag my finger and look down my nose at the folks at CiCi's, but I was picking specks.

It amuses me that in some fashion by body rebelled against the beam in my eye. Will I change my ways? I hope so. A bit anyway. I sure didn't like how I felt Friday night. I sure hope that I will continue to enjoy the experience of a great cup of coffee especially since my sons bought me a "French press" for Father's Day.

Now, about those donuts...


Completely off topic, but I have to share this. Two days, two whole days, after publishing my blog "Send," I hit send. Same ugly mess. Same ugly lessons. Sad.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I have a piece of "flair" on Facebook that says, "You think gas is expensive? Starbucks is $19.20 a gallon!" And I think that is outdated........