Sunday, June 8, 2008


This morning on the Drudge Report, the e-news outlet assaulted its viewership with a profile nude picture of a young lady who has altered her anatomy. She "felt" herself to be a man and so had her breasts surgically removed and began taking testosterone. Hair began to grow on her face.

Below the waist her anatomy remained the same. Ultimately, she became pregnant. The headline on Drudge (and the headline being vaunted throughout the media)?
World's first pregnant 'man'--four weeks from birth!
I'm not including a link. It's not worth the travel. I will give kudos to Drudge, though, for at least putting man in quotations.

This is not a man! The woman was beautiful before she began to mangle her anatomy. What has happened? The song from Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame, "Topsy-Turvy," applies here in spades.

With our society continuing to jettison its historical moral foundation, anything goes. Homosexuality? It's a constitutional right, don't you know. Polygamy? Who's to say that that style of parenting is any worse than two-parent families? Sexuality? It's fluid; just ask institutions of higher learning and US government offices that are now mandating gender and tolerance training.

The Christian who holds to "God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them" (Genesis 1:27) can anticipate greater and greater hostility from a society intolerant toward those who hold to the absolute, unchanging, inalterable word of God. To speak out against conduct contrary to God and His nature will soon invite punitive action by the state and society at large. Prison and lost jobs loom on our horizon.

In Canada, hate-crime legislation has already led to muscle being applied to the Christian community. Here is another doozy from north of the border (no, not Oklahoma) dealing with the dissolution of a Christian ministry that could not survive the storm. Europe is worse.

From an era where sexual aberration could not be found (the 50's and 60's) to today where it is the foundation upon which sitcoms and prime-time dramas are built, the tidal wave of no restrictions will bring our nation to its knees.

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