Friday, January 1, 2010

2010 challenge

Good morning, 2010.  Good morning, friends.

Yesterday I issued a challenge general.  Don't fret the questions.  Just set sail and savor the journey.

Today I issue a challenge specific.  Read the Bible in 2010.

I grew up in a church-going home.  I attended Sunday school as a child and church nearly every Sunday.  My college years, like that of many, brought about a rebellion where I did it my way and left little room for God in my life.  I attended church from time to time and flipped through the pages of the Bible with a bit less frequency.

During those years, God made me acutely aware of my rebellion to Him.  Looking back, I would have to say that it was during those years that I actually became a Christian (that's a hugely weighted statement.  I'll tell you about it if you'd like to know, just e-mail.  Perhaps I'll blog the journey someday).  During that time, my love for Christ's church began, too.

A half-dozen years passed before I embarked one January first upon the most significant journey of my Christian life.  I began to read the Bible.  From that January through December 31st of that year, I read through the Bible.  All of it.  It's really not that daunting.  It's only 3 to 4 chapters a day.  It was extraordinary.

For the non-Christian or nominal Christian, we say we know the Bible and we know Christianity, but we never read it for ourselves.  We think we know, but we don't.  See for yourself.  Read for yourself.  If for no other reason than it stands as one of the most remarkable literary works in the history of man, it should be read by all.  Figures of speech and histories that we use commonly are found within the pages of the Bible.

For the Christian, nothing gives a greater understanding of what Christ has done on our behalf and the life he has calls us to than pouring through his word to us.

Three to four chapters a day.  If you read four each day, you'll be done sometime late October.  When you hit the really long chapters, ease off to three.  When you hit Psalm 119, just read it.  Otherwise, try and knock out 4 per day.

If you go on-line, you can find a multitude of ways to read through the Bible.  You can do as I did and plow through cover to cover.  Some plans have you reading through chronologically (cover to cover is not chronological).  Some plans dip into the Old and New Testaments.  There are even sites where you can tailor your plan.

You want simple.  Start in Genesis and go through the Revelation.  Start today and don't get discouraged.  Some of it is dry reading (the start of Numbers will be tough), but don't let the difficult passages sink your ship.

There it is.  My challenge to you:  Read through the Bible in a year.  Believer or not, you'll be amazed at the treasures you'll find.


Anonymous said...

My Son, oldest daughter, and I all accept your challenge.

the other Keith

Wayne Abernathy said...

Great advice. Daily scripture study is just as important--or more so--as physical nourishment and exercise. Besides the spiritual benefit, I am continually entertained by the power of the human stories. There are great stories in the Bible, Old and New Testaments.

Good challenge.