Sunday, March 23, 2008

He is risen!!

Were there any questions about who He was?

Were there any questions about what He said?

Were there any questions about what He did?

In an instant, they were answered. He is risen!

And now, are there any questions about who you are?

Are there any questions about what you are doing?

Are there any questions about where you are going?

Before the cross of Christ, you shall have your answer because He was executed for our sin, and now He lives again, assuring the destiny of those who trust His sacrifice for the payment for their sin.

He is risen!


Anonymous said...

Scum-God Bless You. Thanks for your effort. I look forward to the Punctuation "He has returned". I am watching!!!!!!!!!
Hook or Crook--Project

Jason said...

He is risen indeed.

If you confess with your mouth and believe in your will be saved.