Friday, February 12, 2010

Just another day: Let it snow

Lots and lots of disparate musings rattling my cage, and they want out!
  • Winter.  The absurd amounts of snow in north Texas do not make me fear global cooling any more than the heat wave in Rio makes me fear global warming.  Weather is cyclical.  God made our planet habitable.  He'll make sure we don't fry/freeze, apologies to Nobel Prize winners and data doctors.
  • Winter, of the nuclear variety.  The Persian Madman has announced Iran's entry into the nuclear world.  Does that make you as toasty inside as it does me?  I'm sure the folks on the outskirts of Tel Aviv are just giddy.
  • Arson.  East Texas church torchings nears a dozen (here).  Would we be hearing more about it if said places of worship were mosques?  Methinks so.
  • Freedom.  As I drove home from work yesterday, I heard Dennis Prager discussing employment law on AM radio.  The gist of the conversation delineated the legal differences in hiring between for profit businesses and organizations and nonprofits.  For example, a religious organization does not have to hire an avowed atheist because it runs contrary to their fundamental convictions and the very purpose of their existence.  Then I wondered, why should any business owner have to hire someone they find objectionable?  Shouldn't a business owner be free to hire whom they please to work for them?  Why would you want to work for a businessman who has some major beef with you but was made to hire you through government strong-arming?  Just thinking.
  • Olympic-sized mess.  Who thought to have the Olympics in some place that his miniscule amounts of snow during their winters?  Lots of rain.  Not so much snow.  Alberta?  Great idea.  Pacific coast.  Um...
  • Number two.  How many of you can name the #2 golfer in the world?  Anyone?  Steve Stricker.  How do I know that?  He lives two miles from my mom, and Mom's a golf junkie, not to mention that my son has his autograph tacked to his bedroom wall.  Anyway, the man cries after winning every tournament.  Eight for eight.  What's up with that?  For him, every win is a dream come true, and I believe he is utterly aware of that a golf swing can leave a golfer faster than Larry King can leave a wife. 

    An interesting insight into #2.  Jay Nordlinger asked him a question after he won his first tournament back in 1996.  Here's Nordlinger's take on the Q & A.
    “How old were you when you figured you would go on to win a PGA tournament? Were you in junior high, high school? College?” Stricker answered, “I never realized I would win until this very day.”
    And so on Sunday when Roger Maltbie met up with him for the greenside interview, Stricker again shed his tears, amazed that he would once again be atop the leaderboard after 72 holes.  You don't find many like that anymore.  (Nordlinger's "Impromptus" here with Stricker bit on pg. 2 and a nice link to a Forbes article on Stricker.)
  • Tremblers.  Didja hear about the earthquake Chicagoans endured yesterday?  Normal?  Methinks not.  Tons of snow.  Quakes leveling Haiti and tapping Chicago on the shoulder.  An odd season, this winter of 2009-2010.
  • Truth.  Speaking of odd, why do folks no longer--generally speaking, mind you--no longer believe what the Bible says?  The further down the timeline we travel, fewer and fewer will even take God's challenge ("Taste and see that the Lord is good, " says Psalm 34:8.  "Blessed is the man that trusts in him").  Is it any wonder our society, culture, and government are sliding down the commode?
That's it for now.  I hope that clears my head.  Until next time, I'll be gazing toward the sunrise.

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