Thursday, October 22, 2009

Global warming: Indicting God

Not a week goes by that I don't see on Drudge some world leader or Al Gore clone suggesting that if we don't do something about global warming by tomorrow lunch, we can expect the earth will look like burnt toast by dinner.

What I find particularly disconcerting is when our own government officials go batty and legislate some ridiculous restrictions upon manufacturing or big screen TVs (yes, in--you guessed it--California). Now more boa constricting daffiness from Sens. Barbie Boxer and John Kerry in the form of greenhouse legislation (read about it here).

Here's something to consider, though, especially among those of us who call ourselves Christian (which, believe it or not, comprises most of the Senate):
    “While the earth remains,
    Seedtime and harvest,
    Cold and heat,
    Winter and summer,
    And day and night
    Shall not cease.”
That's God's promise (Genesis 8:22). Did you catch what He said? As long as the earth is, there will be planting and reaping. It's going to be cold and it's going to be hot. We will have winter (snowing lots in October this year...October!) and we will have summer. These will not end. This cycle will not stop. His promise.

So if the emissions of my two suburbans would thwart that, if everyone in California having a wall-sized big screen TV would counter that, or if felling the entirety of the rain forest would terminate winter anywhere on the planet, then God knows not of which He speaks.

So there's the dilemma: Do we put our lives in the hands Al Gore's science and Kerry's and Boxer's legislation, or do take the God, the God we say we believe and trust, at His word?

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