Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Episcopalian pablum

At their annual meeting, the Episcopal Church (in America. The African Episcopal Church wants nothing to do with the American variety) has moved toward full recognition of homosexual marriage and the ordination of homosexual bishops (here).

This isn't surprising really. The same thing is going down in the Lutheran Church as well (how Martin Luther would shudder to see what's become of the denomination that donned his name). Why are formerly mainline denominations, denominations that are losing membership in droves, embracing as normal conduct that for centuries they rightly labeled sin?

Here's your challenge du jour. First, set aside what you think. Second, go to the Bible and see what it has to say about homosexual conduct. If it gives such behavior a pass, the Episcopal Church is good to go. If it labels such conduct as sin (i.e. rebellion against what God has made plain), then we get to the third part of the challenge. Does the Bible indicate that ordination and a warm embrace are what the church should offer those who practice sin or should the church take a different tack?

Before you label me a homophobe, this indictment would hold for any church that endorses any sinful conduct (gossip, gluttony, and girl-watching are three that come to mind that the church has been mostly silent on, too). But then, the Episcopal Church, et al, is not encouraging a big, wet kiss for those who gorge at the local Luby's.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wrote a piece for about the Emergent church. Check it out there or on Facebook. The reason the Lutheran and the Episcopalian churches are going the way they are is the exact same reason the Emergents are going the way they are. The application of the postmodern and existential philosophies to Christianity create a mutated hybrid that is wholly anti-Christ.